Julia Amunyela - Wood worker
Julia Amunyela – Woodworker Carpenter

Julia Amunyela - Wood worker

As a woodworker, Julia Amunyela uses wood to make a wide range of things - from furniture and cabinets to ornamental items and works of art. Carpentry, cabinet construction, joinery, wood carving and wood-turning are only a few of the many methods and specialties included in the broad category of woodworking. Amunyela specifically focuses on locomotive woodworking at TransNamib. She said her interest in woodwork stemmed from her father’s work as a carpenter when she was a child. It continued throughout high school and tertiary education when she enrolled at the Windhoek Vocational Training Centre for

carpentry and woodworking. “My experience at the institution was inspiring to both myself and my fellow students. I can proudly confirm that I was the best

candidate in our intake during our graduation ceremony, which led to my permanent employment at TransNamib from 2008 to date. I love carpentry and woodworking and I am enjoying my work with the company!” Roles and responsibilities As a woodworker, she plans and prepares materials, assembles and

finishes projects and maintains tools and equipment, while following safety procedures. “The most enjoyable aspect of my job was dismantling old coaches

and reconstructing them to make cabooses into small houses for our field colleagues. I advise young girls in the community to pursue their passions in life. They should accept the challenges of life as normal and know that any job a man can do, a woman can also do. I am testament to the fruits of this perseverance!”


Katima Mulilo: 20° | 24° Rundu: 20° | 24° Eenhana: 19° | 26° Oshakati: 20° | 25° Ruacana: 17° | 24° Tsumeb: 19° | 22° Otjiwarongo: 17° | 21° Omaruru: 19° | 22° Windhoek: 18° | 27° Gobabis: 19° | 24° Henties Bay: 19° | 23° Wind speed: 24km/h, Wind direction: W, Low tide: 10:12, High tide: 04:14, Low Tide: 22:17, High tide: 16:25 Swakopmund: 18° | 19° Wind speed: 23km/h, Wind direction: NW, Low tide: 10:10, High tide: 04:12, Low Tide: 22:15, High tide: 16:23 Walvis Bay: 18° | 23° Wind speed: 23km/h, Wind direction: NW, Low tide: 10:10, High tide: 04:11, Low Tide: 22:15, High tide: 16:22 Rehoboth: 21° | 29° Mariental: 22° | 35° Keetmanshoop: 27° | 36° Aranos: 22° | 33° Lüderitz: 15° | 25° Ariamsvlei: 26° | 39° Oranjemund: 14° | 22° Luanda: 26° | 28° Gaborone: 19° | 28° Lubumbashi: 18° | 28° Mbabane: 18° | 28° Maseru: 15° | 30° Antananarivo: 18° | 25° Lilongwe: 18° | 28° Maputo: 22° | 33° Windhoek: 18° | 27° Cape Town: 17° | 22° Durban: 21° | 26° Johannesburg: 17° | 28° Dar es Salaam: 26° | 32° Lusaka: 18° | 26° Harare: 17° | 26° | #VALUE! | #VALUE! |