Urologist: Dr Tyeni Joseph Ndemuula
Dr Tyeni Joseph NdemuulaPhoto: Contributed

Urologist: Dr Tyeni Joseph Ndemuula

Dr Tyeni Joseph Ndemuula is a distinguished urologist specialising in disorders of the urinary tract and diseases affecting the reproductive system. With his expertise, he treats patients of all ages, both male and female, on a daily basis.

Medical specialists in kidney, urinary tract, bladder, and urethral disorders, urologists treat patients medically and surgically. Disorders of the male genitalia are also treated by urologists. "When determining the best course of therapy for your disease, urologists can assist with diagnosis and management of a wide range of medical issues. This may include making lifestyle recommendations, writing prescriptions for medications or performing surgery," according to Healthdirect Australia.

Ndemuula’s comprehensive approach includes the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of illnesses. His medical and surgical expertise covers conditions such as cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), urethral stricture (narrowing of the urethra), bladder cancer, prostate cancer, urinary bladder stones and kidney stones. His proficiency ensures that patients receive accurate diagnoses and effective treatments tailored to their specific needs.

After completing his undergraduate medical degree, he chose to specialise in urology, driven by the urgent need for urologists in Namibia. Urologists are in short supply and high demand in the country, particularly in the northern regions. Recognising this gap, Ndemuula was motivated to focus his efforts where he could have the greatest impact, providing much-needed care to a wide population.

His commitment to improving healthcare accessibility led him to establish his private practice, Muula Healthcare Centre, in Oshakati. In addition to his private practice, he also works in the theatre at the Oshakati State Hospital, ensuring that a broad range of patients benefit from his specialised skills. His dual roles in private and public healthcare settings allow him to reach a diverse group of patients, offering both preventive and curative services. Meanwhile, his dedication to his field and his community exemplifies the profound impact that specialised medical professionals can have in underserved areas.
